4 Ways To Get Energized Without Caffeine

get energized without coffee
Coffee is my ride-or-die. It always has been and always will be, but sometimes a cup of coffee in the late afternoon isn’t the wisest option if I’m planning on sleeping that night. Luckily, I’ve got some other tried-and-true alternatives for powering through that 3PM slump.

Go for a brisk walk.
Lace up your sneakers, pop in your headphones, and dedicate 15-20 minutes to a midday walk. This will get your blood flowing, release any physical tension you’ve got storing up inside you, and really stimulate your mind (it’s science!). I get some of my best creative ideas while I’m out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Make a power smoothie.
Grab your blender and mix up some combination of greens, citrus, and chia seeds. The fruits and veggies will leave you feeling healthy and strong while the chia seeds will provide a caffeine free jolt of energy.

Do some stretching.
Sitting at a desk all day is known to be detrimental to your physical health, but it’s bad for your brain waves as well! Your body needs to be stretched out and worked regularly. Take a few steps back from your desk and do some stretches for 10 to 15 minutes, making sure especially to stretch out your neck and back.

Call your grandma.
Or any relative or close friend. Make sure you’re keeping an eye on the time, as it’s easy to get carried away on a phone call, but sometimes just hearing the voice of someone you love is enough to get you hyped up. I like to call my grandma and brag about all the cool stuff I’ve done lately, because no one in this world is prouder than her. After 20 minutes on the phone with her, all I ever wanna do is create more cool work that I can brag about to her next time.

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Rachel Perkins is a writer, editor, event planner, photographer, social media-er and all around creative-ish person. @rachie_claire