Homemade Drawing Idea Generator: Weekly Project #8 with Brooks Chambers

Every week, we bring you a project idea video to help you maintain a habit of making cool stuff. Want to jumpstart your creative habit? Sign up for 28 to Make (it’s free) and you’ll get a quick project idea in your inbox every day for 28 days. Happy making!

Never Run Out of Drawing Ideas

The goal of this project is to give you a tool that you can keep in your desk drawer and pull it out whenever you have some free time for drawing exercises.

Homemade Drawing Idea Generator

Word Stacks are especially fun to play with as a group. Seeing everyone’s interpretation of the same prompt is an absolute blast. It’s a great way to get a little perspective on the way you think. You’ll probably notice some pretty distinct differences between yours and your friends’ drawings. Even if you approach the prompt with a similar concept, the execution will usually be extremely different.

Homemade Drawing Idea Generator


– Pen, Pencil, or Marker

– 25 Blank Index Cards

– Scissors

Time to Complete

30 Minutes


1. Using scissors, cut your index cards into thirds then separate into 3 equal stacks.

Make a Homemade Drawing Idea Generator

2. On the first stack, write an adjective on each card.

3. On the second stack, write a noun on each card.

4. On the third stack, write a verb on each card.

5. Shuffle each stack and turn it face-down.

Homemade Drawing Idea Generator

6. Turn the top card from each stack face-up.

7. Draw whatever the cards tell you to!

Take a look at rad projects being shared by the #CreativeLiveDesign community and don’t be shy – we want to see yours, too!

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Brooks Chambers FOLLOW >

Brooks Chambers is an excitable design advocate and writer at CreativeLive. He loves people and the stuff they make.