Craft Projects to Kickstart Your Creative Exploration


A powerful way to break free of the tedium of a largely online life is to get your hands dirty. And a hands-on craft project is the perfect way to do it.

Indulging in good old fashioned arts and crafts is a wildly effective way to fuel your creative juices and energize you for the work you “have” to do. Craft projects are a perfect way to break up the monotony of an ordinary day and immersing yourself in a new art form will, literally, better equip you to do your day job.

Make jewelry from upcycled pieces and learn simple techniques for transforming old jewelry into new treasures. Learn more.

Craft projects with Blair Stocker

To get you going, we’ve assembled a collection of some of our most awesome hands-on clips:

Let’s get the party started with some limoncello. Sure, it isn’t an art project per se, but it is a hands-on activity that alleviates stress and it’ll get you out of the office and into the kitchen – which is a good start.

Now that we’ve got you loosened up, let’s make some art. Art journals are a perfect place to explore new palettes, play with new ideas and doodle your drawings – all without having to worry about what others think.

Art journals are your private play space and in this clip, Andrea Chebeleu shows you how simple (or complex) your art journal can be.

Felted fabric is a super versatile crafting material and Blair Stocker shows you how to make it from a pile of second hand sweaters. Once you’ve felted your woolen sweaters, you can craft your fabric into felted flowers or even fashion them into adorable animals.

Everyone loves a photo wall, but we recommend upping the ante and making a photo art wall!

In this clip, you’ll learn how to turn copies of photographs into image transfers that can be embellished in creative ways. It is a project that is as impressive as it is fun.

And now for one of very favorite craft projects: giant paper flowers. These paper flowers are made out of the most basic material (we are talking construction paper, people), but they make a big visual impact.

The next time you find yourself hopping around the internet, looking for a distraction from you work, turn your attention away from the screen and get your hands dirty! It’ll be more more productive (and inspiring!) than reading the gossip column.

Make jewelry from upcycled pieces and learn simple techniques for transforming old jewelry into new treasures. Learn more.

Craft projects with Blair Stocker


Rachel Gregg FOLLOW >

Rachel is the content marketing lead for the CreativeLive Craft Channel. Her side hustle is floral design and her day job is awesome. @ms_gregarious.