6 Common Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

How do you know your website is actually effective?  These days, anyone can do it. WordPress, Muse, and Squarespace all make it easy to build a site, but that doesn't…

The Ultimate Guide to File Formats

Do you know what type of file you need to make an image transparent? Or what about the best image type for web only? In this handy file format guide…

Basic Portrait Photography: A Better Way to Shoot

Portrait photography, I firmly believe is the single most challenging genre of photography. There is so much to learn and so many unknowns during your session that even basic portrait…

Apple iPhone X: First Hands on with Chase Jarvis

 This post originally published on October 30, 2017. Ten years ago when Steve Jobs launched the original iPhone into pop culture, it had a very distinct feeling about it. …

10 Memoirs Every Creative Should Read

To be a good writer, you must be a good reader. If you plan to write memoir, it's time to get your hands on the best of the best in…