An Organized Calendar Is a Working Mom’s Best Friend

Achieving all your personal and business dreams can be a daunting task, especially when you're a working mom, trying to balance your career, your family, and your own life. But…

How Elizabeth Gilbert Uses Creativity to Cope with Failure

When you think about the best-selling novel Eat, Pray, Love, you probably think about delicious Italian food, Julia Roberts wandering around India, and the book's author, Elizabeth Gilbert, who was…

Our Definition of Creativity is Killing Creativity

Hands in the air if you've been asked whether or not you're a "creative type" before. Keep them up if you’ve ever wondered what that actually means. Being considered creative…

Where Do Photographers Get Paid The Most?

It's official: the West Coast is the best coast for photographers looking to make a sizable income. Photography is a notoriously competitive industry to break into, and the market is…

Why Every Artist Should Use Behance

Most business-savvy creatives are active on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter, but these sites aren't the best for facilitating connections between designers and potential clients. If you are looking to find…